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Better World

Educate, Empower, Inspire

"Better World stands as an innovative app committed to fostering a positive worldwide influence, adhering closely to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our platform not only educates but also implements gamification and social impact strategies, aiming to equip users with the tools to learn actively, apply their knowledge, and significantly impact society. Our core mission revolves around educating, empowering, and sparking inspiration within individuals across the globe. Our vision extends towards envisioning a world that is secure, fair, and sustainable. We seek to enable every individual to thrive, fostering their contributions within a global community characterized by compassion, justice, and overall well-being."

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What We Do

How do we serve the world?

Study & Training

In the initial phase, individuals committed to global improvement must acquaint themselves with the 17 SDGs, Better World Mindset, and Three Zero principles.

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Tests & Quizes

The examination will evaluate educational content through practical projects, interviews, and online assessments, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of knowledge and skills.

Pass a Test

The certificate validates shows the proof of your successful completion and approves eligibility for progression to the next level. Get a proof of your skills and expertises

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Implementation of ideas in terms of 17SDGs is the stage where participants will take challenges from posting simple ,related ,and effectivephotos, videos, to social business projects.

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Our Popular Courses

25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
25 Students 01h 30m
Web design & development courses for beginner
4.5 (250)
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Meet Our Teachers

Jhon Doe

Web Designer

Jhon Doe

Web Designer

Jhon Doe

Web Designer

Jhon Doe

Web Designer


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+012 345 67890



Rebum labore lorem dolores kasd est, et ipsum amet et at kasd, ipsum sea tempor magna tempor. Accu kasd sed ea duo ipsum. Dolor duo eirmod sea justo no lorem est diam

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